The proposed project will help develop faculty capacity to formalize their ideas into some practical shape
through formal interaction with industrial partner. It would unlock the exchange of knowledge and
expertise held by the faculty for the benefit of communities and economies.
The proposed project will potentially create employment opportunities for our graduates and help develop
indigenous enterprises to create appropriate jobs.
Proposals will be considered for partnership project with clearly defined objectives and outcomes.
Proposals should also demonstrate how the partnership will be further developed and sustained following
the initial project.
In view of various priorities, following are the key Focus Areas.
The proposal needs to be an academia-industry joint project leading to products or services which will
solve a current problem or identify a new opportunity; and is marketable, leading to positive cash-flows.
In another way, the local industry can ask experts of GIFT to solve their problem, upscale the process or
prototype their innovative idea to a successful business.
a. Executive/Project Summary
The summary should tell the reader what you are looking forward to achieve out of the
b. Business Description
The business description usually begins with a short description of the industry. When describing the
industry, discuss the present outlook as well as future possibilities. You should also provide information
on all the various markets within the industry, including any new products or developments that may
benefit or adversely affect the proposed business idea.
c. Market Strategies
Market strategies are the result of a meticulous market analysis. A market analysis forces the
entrepreneur to become familiar with all aspects of the market so that the target market can be defined
and the company can be positioned in order to garner its share of sales.
d. Competitive Analysis
This is to determine the competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, strategies that will provide you with a
distinct advantage.
e. Design & Development Plan
This is to provide the investor with a description of the product’s design or social engineering plan or
process improvement plan and create a budget that will enable the team to reach its goals.
f. Financial Factors
A brief description of how the product development or process improvement or social development
efforts should be financially supported by ORIC (and optionally by its partner), if proposal gets
Applicants must be GIFT University full time faculty member, preferably with relevant industry-based
experience. Co-PI (if needed) could be from the local Industrial Partner.
Maximum duration of project will be one year. Proposals with partner industry contribution (in cash or kind) will be preferred.
Grant for each proposal to be supported by ORIC: Rs. 350,000/- (max)
The Application Form is available on the GIFT ORIC website and has also been emailed on PF account.
Different sections of the Application Form may be filled considering the following guidelines:
a. Project Title
Please choose a title that uniquely describes your project.
b. Project Objectives
Summarise the main objectives of the project which might be understood by a non-specialist also.
c. Proposed Start and End Dates for your project
The project will commence once the contract has been signed and will run for no more than 12
d. Information about project team
Details of the Project Team Leaders (University, Partner) and their contact details should be
e. Overview of the Project
Provide an overview of the proposed project which includes project objectives, proposed process
and anticipated outputs and impact.
f. Proposed Goals / Objective:
Clearly identify the output in the form of a product or process, in relationship to non-university
g. Project Business Development Plan for the Project
Provide an overview of your business plan to include activities taking place. This plan will form
the basis of your contract and progress will be measured against working towards its delivery.
h. Proposed Project Outputs
Summarise briefly the intended outputs both qualitatively and quantitatively.
i. Other Sources of Funding
Include details of any other funding, if received (amount, donor organisation).
j. Proposed Team (Principal Investigator, Industrial Partner and Co PI)
The section requires details about project team members.
k. Financial Proposal
Summarise the estimated costs over the 12 months period (max) in excel spreadsheet.
Note: The funds cannot be used towards the salaries of staff other than allowed, nor for
administration or other institutional overheads.
l. Attachments
Make Sure CNIC, Photo, Industry Support letter, Key performance Indicators, CVs of PI, COPI, Industry Partner and Quotations are included in one Word application file and create PDF of
the same.
The following steps would be taken to evaluate the DF-proposals:
a. Initial Screening:
This is designed to eliminate technically ineligible proposals. It will be undertaken by the Evaluation Panel consisting of Deans and optionally co-opted relevant member(s). A prioritised list of projects for further evaluation will be drawn up.
b. Assessment by Evaluation Panel:
All selected projects will go for peer review. The committee would include Deans and 2 experts of the relevant subject field including representative of respective business/industry field.
c. Proposal Defence:
The Principal Investigator of the recommended proposals will be asked to defend their proposal in an open seminar, organized by ORIC. The seminar to be attended by academia and industry representatives.
d. Approval of Project:
The award of grant will be confirmed on the basis of open defence, approval of the Evaluation Panel and ORIC steering committee. The steering committee has the power to revise the above procedure, if deemed appropriate.
Each selected project will be monitored over the given period of time and can be asked to share the progress
and/or display its prototype.
Each project team would be required to submit to ORIC quarterly progress reports after the start of the
project, and a final report on completion of the project. There will be a mid-presentation after submission
of 2nd quarterly report before Deans committee (and an optional expert from the relevant area). The reports
and presentation will be both technical and financial; the items to be covered will be specified at the
time of finalising the contract.
Application should be submitted on the DF-Application form available on the ORIC website, along with
Partner-Industrial support letter.
Application Submission Deadline: Sep 06, 2021
(applications will be processed on first come first serve basis)
Submission: Hard copies (2 sets) to ORIC office; email soft copy at: